Monday, February 24, 2014



Summer is almost here yet the atmosphere is still cold specially in the wee hours of the morning. Thanks to this extended cool dry season we can still enjoy the lazy afternoon nap on weekends. 

Speaking of weekends, we--homemakers-- really love to hear "Thank God! It's Friday" because the next day of course is a relief from an obligation to rise up at 4:00 in the morning to prepare food for the family members who go to school and office.  On weekends, we can retard at least 2 hours before we commence our daily routine. And that 2 hours extended sleep rejuvenates us. What more come summer? That means not just extended hours of sleep but a time also when we can set-up a small  business to earn a little extra cash while at the comforts of our home.

HALO-HALO (Filipino mixed-fruit dessert)


Yes, Pinoys (an informal demonym for Filipinos) take advantage of the summer heat to set-up wooden or monobloc tables in-front of their houses or in their garage to sell Halo-halo or Pearl Shakes at very affordable prices. 

I once joined the bandwagon in selling those crazy desserts and quenchers. Approximately seven years ago, with just Php 300.00 I was able to set-up "Halo-halo Business". Everyday, I had gone to the market to buy ingredients and other items needed. On one hand I carry a basket full of raw kamote and saba; cooked sago, gulaman, red beans, and kidney beans; pinipig; ube halaya;  plastic clear cups and plastic spoons while on the other hand I carry a styrofoam cooler filled with crashed ice. I had to ride a tricycle and a PUJ (Public Utility Jeepney) back and forth. Then I had to cook the raw ingredients with sugar, water and vanilla while the cooked ones had to be revised according to my standard. The whole process consumed about five to six hours of my time everyday before I had to declare business with my customers around 12 noon. Before I open the gate to declare business, I always wish that I would sell 100% for the day to keep me going the next day. The "buena mano" (first sale of the day) excites  me and the next orders (sometimes on interval of two or more hours) relieves me that all the time and effort I had exerted could be worth it. Yet at the end of the day, when proceeds less cost had been compared,  I could not help but deeply sigh and convince my self tomorrow could be more profitable  so I had endured till summer ended. Believe me you,  I only earn Fifty to One Hundred Pesos a day with my Halo-halo business but I had "no regrets" since it was better than gaining nothing at all.  

By the way, I am just sharing my experience and does not intend to discourage those who would like to venture with this home-based business especially now that times are really getting tougher and worse--higher power rate, higher water rate, higher oil prices, higher basic commodities, higher tuition fees, more corrupt lawmakers and government officials. We really have to find ways in augmenting the family income. 

Just please consider the location, the only culprit why I only ended up with such a profit. Although we are situated in a corner lot where foot traffic is moderate, the residents are lesser compared to other blocks where apartments abound. 

PEARL SHAKE (flavored shake with chewy tapioca)


Pearl Shakes are much easier to prepare and much more profitable than halo-halo. About six years ago on summer time I vested on selling this quencher instead of halo-halo. I only had to buy different flavors, clear cooked sago, brown food color, brown sugar, vanilla, crashed ice, plastic cups and big drinking straws. Then I turn the clear sago to brown with syrup and everything would be all right. The process had taken three hours only of my precious time, to include the trip back and forth. At least, I had earned more with pearl shakes which made me love summer. 

My best-selling flavors were chocolate, melon and tutti-frutti.  


Well,  I also had sold barbecue one summer but it was short-lived since I could not give justice to how it should taste and look like after being grilled for a couple of minutes. I could not even recall when I operated this "racket" (a term Pinoys associate when selling legal goods not meant to be registered).  After all the consultations I made with the recipes I found in my collection and after all the trials and errors had been committed, I failed.  Just give me other dishes to prepare and I could do it perfectly but with pork barbecue? Never again! I would simply buy ready-to-grill from the supermarket.  But according to one of my sources, she gains Two Hundred Pesos for a kilo of pork if she could make 40 skewers.


tosilog by noellies
Tosilog - tocino, sinangag, itlog (cured pork, fried rice, sunny-side-up egg).

I am now taking my home business to a higher level. Since I am the mother of trial-and-error, I never give up on doing what I can with  what I have wherever I am especially on summers. Even if it means minimal profit while devoting more time and effort, what matters most  is being able to enhance my skills in cooking and baking.

So this time, I will endeavor on "Turo-turo" with Tosilog as flag carrier. Other items in the menu consist of Longsilog, Hotsilog, Dorsilog, Rice Toppings, Burgers, Tuna Sandwich, Cakes, Breads, Desserts and many many more.

I do believe there is no short-cut to success. I also believe that the best place to start your business is where your heart is. My heart is in our home. So home is where my business should be....